Jungle Juice

for the Jungle Juice
, in the littlepinkumbrella.com popularity contest!

A delicious recipe for Jungle Juice, with Everclear® alcohol and Hawaiian punch. Ideally served in a punch bowl. This Everclear® alcohol drink can be found in punches.

What you'll need

  • 1 part Everclear® alcohol
  • 2 parts Hawaiian punch or any other fruit juices you have available.
  • sliced fruit (optional)

How to make it

Mix the Hawaiian punch and Everclear grain alcohol together in a punch bowl. Add sliced fruit and serve with ice.

Like this drink?

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Drink Recipe Keywords
  • jungle juice
  • jungle
  • juice
  • everclear® alcohol
  • hawaiian punch
  • drink recipe
  • drink
  • recipe
  • alcoholic drink recipe
  • cocktail recipe
  • cocktail
  • mixed drink